Even though our apartment is maybe not the most reliable always, it has been an incredible blessing for us to be here. It's in a great part of Mbarara, and we are surrounded by beauty every we look. There are only a few other people living in our building right now because all of the university students are on holiday break, so we haven't gotten to meet many neighbors, but we have gotten to know our landlord Mbaga pretty well. He is such a blessing and has been so good to us. There have been numerous days that we have had to call him several different times to come help us fix things or whatever. Each time, he comes right away and stays until everything is working perfectly. We've even called him late at night before when our toilet wouldn't stop overflowing and we were out of water. Through it all he has been very gracious and helpful. Today as we were walking in from church he asked where we'd been. When we told him, he said, "Next time I will go with you." Des and I had been talking about how we wanted to invite him to church because a lot of our friends are probably around our age, and then he went and invited himself. It was pretty great. We usually don't have church on Sunday nights here, but tonight we're having a special praise and worship time at 4 so he is going with us. Please pray for him and pray for us that maybe God can use us to reach him.
I know that a lot of people have been asking for pictures, and I finally was able to load a bunch onto my picasa website. The picture below is a picture of our apartment building. Our apartment is on the back side of the far right of the apartment complex. It is still very much under construction as you can tell from the picture. If you click on this picture, it will take you to a bunch more of the inside of our apartment. And just a warning, be prepared to take a pretty indepth tour of our apartment. I had a little too much fun taking pictures of everything, but I know everyone is curious about what it looks like, so that's how I justified it! I miss you all!

Ya'lls apartment is SO nice! I loved it, and I loved getting to see where you guys live! The bathroom was pretty incredible. I loved the picture of where you sit in the morning with the coffee by the chair and your Bible . . . definitely makes it easier to visualize the stories! Love you guys!
I miss you both and think about you often. I love the pictures, your apartment is GREAT! I cried twice reading your post, God is blessing you so much-I can't wait to hear what else he has in store. Take care.
we have never met, but I hear a lot about you from my aunt nelodean.My name is Sue, and your mom is my cousin. Just wanted to let you know I really enjoy reading about your experiences and the pics are awesome.
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