Sunday, June 24, 2007

2 posts in one day...don't get too excited

I know this might be a little ridiculous...posting twice in a matter of minutes. But really, I just have a bunch more pictures online that I wanted to make sure everyone knows are there. This group of pictures is basically just an assortment of things that I've experienced or seen in the last 2 1/2 weeks. There are pictures of my class, food that I've eaten, and some of Mbarara.

This picture is my favorite one that I've taken so far, and you'll notice that pictures of sunsets completely dominate this album. I love being outdoors because it's always a place that I see God in a tangible way. Watching a sunset is pretty much one of my favorite things ever, and they are absolutely the prettiest here in Uganda. Every night we have dinner at one of the missionaries' houses at 6:30, which is just about the time the sun starts to set. So every night I get to walk in the direction of it, and I have a difficult time not taking a picture. God is so good to us when he showers us with blessings, and being able to see his beauty, here, all around me, is a blessing that I hope I never take for granted.

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